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An innovative growth approach to empower your teams to thrive at work and in life!

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The workplace

Be the workplace,
teams are thriving in!

In order to unlock the full potential of your teams and become high-performant it is key to take into consideration the five growth pillars:

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Emotional Growth

How to welcome and nurture the emotional intelligence of your teams in their workplace? 

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Mental Growth

How to empower the development of new skills 

while overcoming 

limiting beliefs and  build high performant teams ?

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Physical Growth


How to boost and maintain healthy habits of your teams while creating a workplace which sparks energy?

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Social Growth

How to build an inclusive, diverse, collaborative, and innovative teamwork culture for your teams to thrive in?

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Spiritual Growth

How to bring meaning to your teams by aligning and fostering their inner purpose with your company's values and mission?

activate the full potential of your teams now!

WHy now?

Companies are facing unprecedented health crises. COVID, shifting workforce needs, as well as an increase in burnout. All of it and difficulty in finding and retaining talent Where traditionally sick leave has been hovering around 2-4%, we now see a structural increase of these numbers until over 10%. It is clear that a new approach is needed to manage the health, growth, and retention of people in companies. 


People are not only looking for a job they are good at, they are also looking for a job that has meaning to them and in which they can be surrounded by inspiring and supportive people.  


On average 40% of people are unhappy at work and are considering leaving their job in the near future. That’s two out of five employees thinking about leaving in the next three to six months.


According to the latest Mckinsey & Company research (April 2022), the main reasons for unhappiness at work and changing jobs are all linked to a lack of development in the five growth pillars:


  •  Lack of career development  (Mental growth)

  •  Uncaring leaders  (Emotional growth)

  •  Lack of meaningful work  (Spiritual growth)

  •  Unreliable and unsupportive people at work   (Social growth)

  •  Lack of support for health and well-being  (Physical growth)



Therefore, Hippo Campus is there to empower the continuous development of each pillar for your team and keep attracting, inspiring, and retaining new talents! 

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activate your TEAMS' full potential now!

We make sure to tailor our services and programs to your company and teams' needs. From our Growth tracker online tool to individual and collective training, coaching, workshops, and access to our international growth experts, Hippo Campus is there to make sure growth and impact is sustainably made!

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We're looking forward to meeting you!

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